

Throws Keyword Homework Help

Online Tutorspoint java experts provide throws keyword homework help to university and college level students across countries like the USA, Australia, and Germany.

Definition of Throws keyword

It is a keyword using which the end-user is informed that a particular function is proven to transfer exception class objects to its calling place. Most of us will be in the wrong perception that using throws keyword we can handle the exception. But it is not true. Whether we use the throws keyword or not, the exception class object generated in a function will definitely reach the calling place.


Uses of throws keyword:

1) By seeing the throws keyword along with the function definition, we can understand that the function has statements that are proven to generate the mentioned exception class objects and they are not handled in the function itself.

2) If we want to skip the try block inside the function, even though it is generating checked options, then simply place the throws keyword along with the type of exception generated. But the condition is, the function call should be made inside a try block at the calling place.

3) Whenever a try block has n number of blocks, then if an exception object is created, the order of preference of catch blocks is the order in which they are present below the try block.