Tutorspoint programming assignment expert assists university and college students in all their programming assignments to help topics like Throws keyword and Constructors Homework Help.
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What is Throws keyword and Constructors
Definitely, we can use throws keyword with constructors because constructors may have many numbers of statements that are proven to generate exception class objects.
Programming Assignment Help
The error occurs because e1 is defined inside the try block and hence it is local to try System .out. printing (e1 . i) is outside try and is again proven to generate checked exceptions. To avoid this problem, define e1 outside the try block and inside the main () so that it will be available to all other parts of the main (), as shown below.
Point to remember regarding try-catch:
Whenever try block has n number of blocks, then if an exception object is created, the order of preference of catch blocks is the order in which they are present below the try block.
Consider the following scenarios:
Now, if at all an exception is raised in a try block, it will be transferred to the immediate catch block. If that catch block is not capable of handling that exception, then it is transferred to the next catch block and so on.