Production System and Company Performance Homework Help provides production system and company performance homework help to students.


The effects of Operation Management on a Production System and Company Performance

Operation management is the process in the organization,  in this organization transforms the inputs in the outputs or the final products. Inputs are labor, capital, material, energy, and outputs are service and goods these consumed by the public.

When we talk about the services these are intangible products and goods are tangible products.

There are so many things that are including in the service sector like transpiration, utilities, lodging, entertainment, legal service, healthcare, education, banking finance, etc.

Goods are the article of trade that is manufacturing in specific terms. The main work of operation is to employ people, builds the facility, and purchased the required material for providing the services.

The working capacity of the people increased if people are able to produce a greater output. In the organization, people find so many facilities that specially developed for the working environment of the firms.


Management Assignment Help

The effect of the operation management on the production system and company performance is as follows.

A) Maintaining quality: In the maintaining of quality, which includes all the tools that are used by the company to control the quality in the firm or organization and that helps the organization to meet the customers’ expectations.

In the company measure of quality, these are the main things that used for managing the quality in the organization.

B) Approaches to forecasting:

There are two general approaches to forecasting and these are qualitative and quantitative.

Qualitative forecasting is the subjective forecasting and quantitative forecasting involves the historical data of the organization.

The first type that is a judgemental forecast is qualitative, and the other two are quantitative.

C) Increase in performance: after applying the operation management tools in the organization.

The company is able to increase the performance because, in every task, there is an operating technique that helps to increase the performance.


Production System and Company Performance Homework Help

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