Muscle Tissue and Neural Tissue Homework Help

What is Muscle Tissue?

The muscle is made up of long, cylindrical fibers arranged in a parallel fashion. These fibers are made up of short fine fibrils defined as myofibrils.

Muscles play an active role in the movements of the body by continuously contracting and relaxing muscle fibers according to the environment thus, maintaining the position of various parts of the body. The muscles are of three types namely – skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. 

What is Skeletal Muscle Tissue?

Skeletal muscle tissue such as the biceps is usually seen close to the skeletal bones and is a group of striated skeletal muscles bunched together. In addition to this, a sheath of tough connective tissue encloses several bundles of these muscle fibers.

What is Smooth Muscle Tissue?

The smooth muscle tissue tapers at both ends and cell junctions hold them together by bundling them together in a connective tissue sheath. Smooth muscle tissue is seen in the wall of internal organs such as blood vessels, the stomach, and the intestines. The smooth muscle tissue is involuntary and does not show striations like the skeletal muscle.

What is Cardiac Muscle Tissue?

It is a contractile tissue fused by cell junctions to the plasma membrane of the cardiac muscle cells of the heart. Exclusively present in the heart, the communication junctions allow the cells to contract as a unit at some fusion point, thus stimulating the neighboring unit of cells to contract.

A.Skeletal muscle (striated)                B.Smooth Muscle                     C.Cardiac muscle

What is Neural Tissue?

Neural tissue plays a critical role in coordinating body movements and responsiveness to changing the environment. The structural and functional unit of the nervous system is called neurons which are excitable cells.

The nervous system is made up of neurons and neuroglial cells. On stimulating the neurons, an electric disturbance is generated which swiftly travels along the plasma membrane triggering the stimulation or inhibition of the adjacent neurons.

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