Tutorspoint biology experts offer Gynoecium placentation fruit homework help to students studying in university and college in many countries like the USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia, Germany, Denmark, etc.
Define Gynoecium, Placentation, and Fruit
Gynoecium: The gynoecium is the female reproductive organ of the flower and is composed of one or more carpels. Each carpel consists of three distinct parts namely, stigma, style, and ovary. Carpels may be free (apocarpous) or united (syncarpous).
Ovary: The ovary is the enlarged basal part, above which lies the elongated tube called the style. Each ovary bears one or more ovules attached to a flattened, cushion-like placenta. After fertilization, the ovules develop into seeds and the ovary matures into a fruit.
Style: The style connects the ovary to the stigma
Stigma: The stigma is the sticky tip of the style, thus functions as a receptive surface for pollen grains.
Placentation: Placentation is defined as the arrangement of the ovules within the ovary. The main types of placentation are namely, marginal, axile, parietal, basal, central, and free central.
Marginal: In this type, the placenta forms a ridge along the ventral suture of the ovary and the ovules are borne in this ridge forming two rows. E.g Pea
Axile: In this type, the ovules are attached to the multilocular ovary. E.g Tomato
Parietal: In this type, the ovules develop on the inner wall of the ovary or on the peripheral part. The ovary is one-chambered but is divided into two due to the development of a false septum. E.g Mustard
Free central: Absence of separate results in the development of ovules in the central axis. E.g Primrose
Basal: In this type, the placenta develops at the base of the ovary and a single ovule is attached to it. E.g Sunflower
A. Marginal B. Axile C. Parietal D. Free central E. Basal
The Fruit: Fruit is a mature, ripened ovary that is a characteristic feature of flowering plants, developed after fertilization. The fruit is said to be parthenocarpic if it is developed without fertilization of the ovary.
The structure of the fruit consists of a wall, also known as a pericarp, and seeds. The pericarp may be dry or fleshy. A fleshy pericarp consists of the outer wall called the epicarp, middle mesocarp, and inner endocarp.
A. Mango B. Coconut