Online Tutorspoint experts provide E-commerce and Internet Marketing Homework Help for students and professionals.
What is E-commerce and Internet Marketing?
E-commerce is one that consists of the buying and selling of products or services by the use of an electronic system such as the internet or a different computer network.
E-commerce initiates the customer’s relationship that designs the business processes by the process of applying the technology.
For instance, ATM is a recent example of e-commerce where a single machine can handle the availability of money or update the availability of balance, reserve a room at a hotel on the internet, and initiate online shopping with the use of the internet and master card to make the payments online.
Different Types of E-commerce
There are many different types of e-commerce are B2B or business to business where the companies can do business with each other where the manufacturers are selling the products or services to the retailers. The next type is the C2B or customer to business where the products or services are being sold from the customers to the business organizations.
Another type of e-commerce is C2C or the customer to the customer where the products or services are being sold by the customer to the customer. Within the B2C or business-to-customer, the organization handles the work by selling the product or services directly to the customers without the interference of intermediates like the distributor, salesperson, or agent.
This holds a list of applications such as email and messaging, documents, spreadsheets and database formation, accounting and finance system management, and accepting orders and shipment information. Users can create enterprise and client information reporting. Customers can make domestic and international payments, manage the newsgroup, and facilitate online shopping and conferencing.