Educational website Tutorspoint engineering assignment experts provide Data Compression Techniques Homework Help to graduate engineering students in Australia, the USA, and Canada
What are Data Compression Techniques?
Data compression is being used extensively in the fields of computer science and information. It helps in reducing the consumption of valuable resources such as memory space and transmission bandwidth. Compressed data can be stored in less space and transmitted easily with less bandwidth. Such compressed files need to be decompressed for utilizing them. Various factors are involved in these compression schemes. They include the degree of compression, amount of distortion, the requirement of computational resources, and data uncompressing. This compression is being also used in all web applications and communications. In these two fields, a large amount of data needs to be stored in comparatively very less space. Contact us at Tutorspoint for Data Compression Techniques Homework Help
What are the types of Compression?
Lossless compression is a way of representing data without errors and concisely. This is done by using algorithms for exploiting statistical redundancy. This statistical redundancy is available with most of the real-world data. Lossy compression is another way of representing data in a concise format with minimal errors, and losses. This technology tries to erase unnecessary information to reduce the size of the file. Video compression is the best example of lossy compression.
Disk compression is a technique of storing compressed versions of different files on a hard disk. This utility works between an operating system and the hard disk of a computer. When the operating system tries to save a file, this compression takes on the job and compresses the file before saving it to the hard disk. Disk compression also works as a decompressing utility. Huffman compression is another algorithm used for the lossless compression of a file. This is done based on the frequency of a particular symbol in that particular file. In other words, if a character is used several times in a file, then it is compressed to the shortest bit size representation.
The Selection of Suitable Data Compression Programme
There are several programs available for compression out there in the market some are exclusively for one particular compression and very few can be used for several compressions. The user will have to choose a particular compression program in accordance with this his requirements. The user is also required to understand all the advanced features available in the program he chooses to make optimum utilization of that program for effective data compression.