Tutorspoint java assignment expert provides Daemon Threads java homework help and programming assignment help for computer science students studying in universities
Consider the following example of Daemon threads in Java:
JVM executes a .class file and while in this process, many objects will be created. Simultaneously, the garbage collector collects all the UN -referred objects in the background. Thus, the garbage collector is a background process.
In other words, the garbage collector thread provides its services in the background to support the JVM thread, and as long as the JVM thread is in execution, the garbage collector thread will also be in execution. In this case, the garbage collector thread is nothing but a Daemon thread.
The Concept of Daemon threads
The concept of Daemon threads is to design a thread with an infinite loop that would be supporting the parent thread as a background process and it is supposed to get executed along with the parent thread. Also, this background thread should stop, when the parent thread stops.
A) We can define daemon threads by using the set Daemon () method.
B) If we want to set a thread as a Daemon thread, then pass the Boolean value ‘true’ to the method, as shown below.
Obj. Set Daemon (true);
Daemon threads would never be joined. Not even in the main (which is the default join).
Once the control comes out of the parent thread, the daemon thread is automatically terminated.
In this java concept, any java thread is a daemon thread. Basically, Daemon threads are examining suppliers for other threads' organization in the identical procedure as the daemon thread.