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Biology Homework Help
Every action and movement in response to a change in surrounding environmental activity is properly controlled by systems with specialized tissues.
Nervous and muscular tissues are involved to provide such control in the case of animals. Response to changing environmental conditions is termed as reflexes. Reflex action is a function of the spinal cord and brain with a well-coordinated mechanism starting at the cellular level.
Control and Coordination in Animals
Our response to changing surrounding conditions needs to be properly controlled and well-coordinated as it should suit the changes in the surrounding condition. The nervous system plays a major role in coordinating our response to these changes.
Animals Nervous System
Nervous systems are made of specialized cells known as neurons Dendritic tip of these neurons collects information necessary for starting an electric impulse in response to change in environmental conditions.
This impulse is responsible for releasing certain chemicals after it reaches the axonic end of neurons to coordinate with other nerve cells. This impulse is transmitted to other cells via a neuromuscular junction to generate a response.
Reflex Actions
Sudden response to changing environmental conditions is known as reflexes. Nerves collect signal impulses at the site and transfer the same to another nerve which directs muscles to perform a specific action. This connection is known as which is formed in the spinal cord.
The brain is defined as the coordinating center of our body. Brain together with spinal cord constitutes the spinal cord of our body.
A peripheral nervous system consisting of cranial and spinal nerves arising from the brain and spinal cord respectively facilitates the communication between the central nervous system and other body parts.
Parts of the brain are involved in coordinating a particular response includes fore-brain, mid-brain, hind-brain. Forebrain has a sense of hearing, smell, sight, hunger, etc.
It does the thinking activity for the brain. Midbrain and hindbrain control involuntary actions. Actions like Blood pressure, salvation and vomiting have their centers in the medulla in the hindbrain. The cerebellum of hindbrain maintains body balance and controls precision involuntary actions.
Inside our body-brain is protected by being placed in a brainy box filled with a fluid inside which acts as a shock absorber. The spinal cord is protected by our backbone.
Mechanism of nerve tissue causing action
Nerve impulses are collected by muscle cells under whose guidance certain specialized proteins present in muscle cells change their shape and size thus constricting the muscle fiber.
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