Chemistry Assignment Help

What is the study of Chemistry?

Chemistry will be the research of the matter, particularly its chemical side effects, but also its structure, construction, and properties.

Chemistry is involved along with atoms as well as their connections with other atoms, and specifically with the qualities of chemical substance bonds.

Chemistry sometimes is known as "the central science" due to the fact it links to physics along with other natural sciences including geology and biology. Chemistry is really a branch of actual science but unique from physics.

What is the Theory of Chemistry?

Standard chemistry begins with the research of fundamental particles, atoms, compounds, substances, alloys, and crystals along with other aggregates associated with matter. Within solid, liquid, and also gas states, whether or not in seclusion or blend. The particular interactions, reactions as well as transformations that are analyzed in chemistry tend to be a result of conversation either among various chemical materials or in between matter as well as energy.

What is the History of Chemistry?

Ancient Egyptians created the art of artificial "wet" chemistry approximately 4,000 years ago. The genesis of chemistry may be traced to the widely noticed sensation of burning up led in order to metallurgy—the art and research of running ores to obtain metals (e.g. metallurgy in historical India).

What is Etymology?

The term chemistry arrives from the phrase alchemy, an early onset of procedures that placed elements associated with chemistry, Philosophy, metallurgy, mysticism, astronomy, medicine, and astrology; It's generally considered as the pursuit to change lead or some other typical starting substance into gold.

What is an Element?

The notion of a chemical component is associated with the chemical material. A chemical component is particularly a material that is made up of a single sort of atom. A chemical component is indicated by a certain number of protons within the nuclei of the atoms. This particular number is called the atomic number of the element.

What is a Compound?

The compound can be a substance having a particular percentage of atoms of certain chemical components which establishes its structure, and a certain organization which usually establishes chemical attributes.

What is a Substance?

A chemical substance can be a type of matter with a particular structure and set of attributes. Purely speaking, a combination of substances, elements, or even compounds and elements isn't a chemical compound, yet it might be called a chemical substance.

The areas in which Tutorspoint provides assistance in chemistry topics

Organic Chemistry

The Periodic Table

Structure of the Atom

Inorganic Chemistry

Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions



Properties of Acids and Bases

Ionic Bond


Physical Properties

Intermolecular Forces





Rates of Reaction

Metallic Bond


Atomic Theory


Ionic Compounds

Calculation of Enthalpy Changes

Reaction Pathways

Transition-Metal Chemistry

d-block Elements


Solubility and Complex-Ion Equilibria


Acid-Base Equilibria

Chemical Thermodynamics

Chemical Properties



Covalent Bond

Nuclear Chemistry

Quantitative Chemistry

Collision Theory

Strong and Weak Acids & Bases

Mole Concept and Avogadro's Constant

Dynamic Equilibrium

The pH Scale Oxidation & Reduction

Chemical Equations

The Position of Equilibrium

Voltaic Cells

Mass and gas volume relationships in chemical reactions

Theories of Acids and Bases

Materials Science

The Nuclear Atom



Elements, Compounds & Mixtures

Electronic Configuration of Atoms

aw of Multiple Proportions

Covalent Bond


States of Matter


Hess Law Bond Enthalpies


Structure of Solids

Periodic Trends Na- Ar

Physical Chemistry

Gas-Phase Reactions

Redox Equations

Electronic Structure


Group Metals



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