Biological Classification Homework help

What is biological classification?

All organisms are classified into one of the five kingdoms namely monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia by R.H Whittaker.

This classification is based on cell structure, thallus organization, mode of nutrition, reproduction, and phylogenetic relationships.

What is Kingdom Monera?

The kingdom monera solely comprises bacteria. Bacteria are found to be present in a wide range of extreme habitats like hot deserts, seas, oceans, tropic zones, snowy mountains, soil, etc.

Based on their shape, bacteria are further classified into four categories – spherical coccus (pl – cocci), rod-shaped bacillus (pl – bacilli), comma-shaped Vibrium (pl – vibrio), and spiral-shaped spirillum (pl – spirilla).

What are the characteristics of bacteria?

The structure of bacteria is simple, yet they have complex behavior.

Bacteria show extensive metabolic diversity

Mode of nutrition: either photosynthetic autotrophic, chemosynthetic autotrophic, or heterotrophic

Bacteria are further classified as Archaebacteria and eubacteria.

What is Archaebacteria?

Archaebacteria have different cell wall structures, which might be responsible for their existence in extreme conditions such as halophiles (salty areas), thermoacidophiles (hot springs), and marshy areas such as methanogens. These methanogens are present in the gut of ruminant animals aiding them in the digestion of food and are responsible for the production of biogas (methane) from the excretion of these animals.

What is Eubacteria? (Latin, Eu – true, bacteria)

Presence of a rigid cell wall, and/or flagellum for motility

Reproduction is seen mainly by fission. During unfavorable conditions, spore formation is also seen. Bacteria also reproduce by the transfer of DNA from one bacterium into another.

What is Cyanobacteria?

They are unicellular, photosynthetic autotrophic bacteria containing chlorophyll a pigment similar to that of green plants. Cyanobacteria live in colonies that are generally surrounded by a gelatinous sheath. Some of these bacteria also help in fixing nitrogen. These specialized cells are known as heterocysts. Eg., Nostoc, and Anabaena

What is Chemosynthetic autotrophic?

bacteria are responsible for oxidizing nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia. The energy released in oxidization is used by the bacteria for the production of ATP. These bacteria also play a great role in recycling nutrients such as nitrogen, iron, sulfur, and phosphorus.

What are Heterotrophic bacteria?

These bacteria are present everywhere and live on dead, decaying, and organic matter for nutrition. Many of these bacteria are helpful in the fermentation process, production of antibiotics, nitrogen fixation of soil, etc. However, harmful bacteria also belong to the same class. Bacteria are responsible for causing various diseases such as cholera, typhoid, malaria, food poisoning, tetanus, etc.

What is Mycoplasmas?

Unicellular and lack cell walls and can live without oxygen. Many of the mycoplasma known are harmful to both plants and animals.

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