Online Tutorspoint biology essay writing experts offer the anatomy of flowering plants homework help to students in excellent writeups at a reasonable price to graduate and college students.
What is the Anatomy of Flowering Plants?
What are The Tissues?
A group of cells derived from the same origin and performing the same function is defined as tissue. In plants, based on the dividing capability of cells, the tissues are classified into two types namely, meristematic and permanent tissues.
What are Meristematic Tissues?
Meristematic tissue is defined as the restricted growth in plants in specialized regions of active cell divisions. Different kinds of meristems are observed in plants. The meristematic tissue observed in the tips of roots and shoots is called apical meristems.
The root apical meristem is present at the tip of the root and the shoot apical meristem is found at the distant most region of the stem axis. During the elongation of the stem and other parts of the shoot system, few cells constitute the axillary bud, which is the further potential of forming a branch or flower.
During the formation of the primary plant body, the apical meristem specializes in producing dermal tissues, ground tissues, and vascular tissues.
A. Root B. Shoot
The meristem that occurs between mature tissues is defined as the intercalary meristem. This meristem is responsible for regenerating parts that are removed through environmental stress like the feeding of animals etc.
Both apical meristems and intercalary meristems are primary meristems as they occur early in plant life, thus contributing to the formation of the plant body.
What is Secondary or Lateral Meristem?
It is defined as the meristem that produces secondary tissues of plants that produce woody axis and is found in the mature regions of roots and shoots and appears later than the primary meristem. Different types of secondary meristems are cylindrical meristems, fascicular vascular cambium, interfascicular cambium, and cork cambium.