Tutorspoint homework writing experts provide help in biology topics, assignments, online quizzes, and semester paper solving including topics related to sexual reproduction in flowering plants homework help in the United States.
Sexual Reproduction - an Overview
Sexual reproduction involves both parents. It serves as a source for speeding variations.
Angiosperm flowers consist of the male reproductive part as stamens which carry male germ cells or pollen and the female reproductive part as carpels. Carpel consists of a stigma, style, and ovary which have ovules.
Pollen is transferred to stigma by a process known as pollination and fuses to form a zygote which further forms an embryo. This fusion process is termed fertilization.
Sexual Reproduction in Male and Female
Sexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction involving both males and females. DNA copies from both parents combine to give rise to a new individual.
It is important because it acts as a source of variations. Combining two DNA copies broadens the chances to incorporate variations. In a way, it speeds up the variation process.
Sexual reproduction is a complex process
As sexual reproduction is a complex process in which reproductive cells known as germ cells carry half the amount of DNA and chromosome number as compared to cells not taking part in reproduction.
Generally, Sexual reproduction involves small and motile male germ cells and non-motile large female germ cells for food storage to provide energy for developing zygotes.
Reproductive parts of angiosperms
Angiosperms have their reproductive parts located in flowers. The flower consists of four main parts sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels
Stamens are the male reproductive parts whereas carpels serve as the female reproductive part.
The presence of either stamens or carpel makes a flower uni-sexual e.g. papaya whereas in bisexual flowers both stamens and carpels are present e.g. mustard.
Female reproductive part
Carpel consists of three parts stigma, style, and ovary
Ovary: Lower enlarged part of carpel which contains ovules which in turn contain egg cells.
Stigma: Terminal sticky region where pollen attaches.
Style: Middle tube-like structure
Male reproductive part
Stamens consist of a lobe-like structure known as Anther which has male germ cells known as pollen.
What is Pollination?
The process of transfer of pollen to stigma is known as pollination. Pollination occurring on the same flower is referred to as self-pollination
whereas if occurred between two flowers with the help of agents like wind, the insect is known as cross-pollination.
What is Fertilization
Pollen after reaching the stigma extends a tube-like structure that helps to transfer pollen to the ovary where male and female germ cells fuse to form a zygote.
This fusion process is known as fertilization. Zygote thus formed gives rise to an embryo inside the ovule by several divisions. The ovule is the future seed whereas the ovary is the future fruit.
On meeting, favorable conditions embryos give rise to seedlings. This process is termed germination