

Reproduction in Plants Homework Help

Tutorspoint online biology assignment experts provide essay writing help on the topic related to reproduction in plants to college and university students.

What is Reproduction in Plants?

The process of producing organisms of the same kind as their parents is known as reproduction. Roots, stems, and leaves are called the vegetative parts of plants, while flowers are known as the reproductive parts of a plant. Some plants have flowers with either male or female parts and some plants have flowers with both male and female parts.

Reproduction in plants is divided into two main categories namely, asexual and sexual reproduction. In asexual reproduction, seeds are not required to produce a new plant, while in sexual reproduction seeds are vital for the production of new plants. To get Reproduction in Plants homework help email us your assignment.

What is Asexual reproduction:

i) Vegetative propagation:

The reproduction of new plants from vegetative parts of the parental plant such as roots, stems, leaves, and buds of the flower is known as vegetative propagation.

Example 1: A rose plant can grow from a stem cutting consisting of a node (the place where the leaf is attached to the stem) of the parental plant. Flower buds growing at the axil (the place where the leaf is attached to the node) of a plant can also be used to grow a new plant, and hence it can be called a vegetative bud.

Example 2: Modified roots such as potatoes, ginger, and carrots can be used to grow a new plant. Cutting off these roots along with the eye (the place where a new shoot can be produced) buried in the soil to reproduce a new plant.

Example 3: Plants like cacti can reproduce their own kind by burring any part of the part into the soil. Any part of the cactus plant can be detached to grow into a new one.


The significance of vegetative propagation:

1. Vegetative propagation takes less time to reproduce and bear flowers compared to plants grown previously from seeds

2. Plants reproduced by this method are an exact copy of the parental plant.


ii) Budding

Plants like yeast and Hydra reproduce by the budding technique. These microscopic organisms supplied with sufficient minerals, during reproduction project a small bulb-like structure on one end of their cells (Figure 7.5.1). This projection is called a bud. After detachment of the bud from the parental plant, the bud can independently grow into a new plant and further produce more buds. This type of reproduction is fast and results in the multiplication of the organism within a short period of time.


iii) Fragmentation

Algae, another class of the plant kingdom reproduces by fragmentation. During the abundant supply of water and minerals, an alga breaks up into two or more fragments. Each fragment has the capability to grow into a new alga plant. Algae grow and multiply rapidly, thus covering a large surface of the pond within a short time.


iv) Spore formation

Fungi, a different class of the plant kingdom reproduce with the help of spores present in the air (Figure 7.5.2). Spores of a fungus plant are very light in weight and float freely in water and air. Each spore is coated with a hardcover enabling them to cover long distances without getting damaged by the fluctuation of humidity and temperature of the air. Each spore is capable to germinate into a new fungus plant provided the surface on which it grows is moist and rich in minerals. For example, moss, and ferns reproduce by this technique.