

Phyla of Animalia Kingdom Homework Help

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What is the Phyla of Animalia Kingdom?

Phylum – Nematoda

Bilaterally symmetrical body
Body shape – cylindrical
Lack of organs. Presence of tissues
Presence of pseudo-body cavity (not real, sort of a body cavity)

Examples of organisms belonging to this phylum – Roundworms, Tapeworms, Ascaris

Phylum – Annelida

Bilaterally symmetrical
True body cavity
Well-differentiated organs packed inside the body cavity
Differentiation of organs is seen in segments of the body
Habitat of organisms – fresh water, sea, and land

Examples of organs belonging to this phylum – Earthworms and Leeches

Phylum – Arthropod

Anthro – jointed; pod – legs
The largest group of animals
Bilaterally symmetrical and segmented
The Body cavity is filled with blood as blood does not flow through blood vessels. The lack of well-defined blood vessels is known as the open circulatory system

Examples of organisms belonging to this phylum – Butterflies, Cockroaches, Spiders, Crabs, Scorpions, and Houseflies

Phylum – Mollusca:

Bilateral symmetry
Reduced coelom cavity
Segmentation is seen
Presence of kidney-like organs for the purpose of excretion
Presence of foot for locomotive activity

Examples of organisms belonging to this phylum – Snails and Mussels

Phylum – Echinodermata

Echinos – hedgehog; derma – skin (in Greek). Spiny, skinned animals
Presence of coelom body cavity
Locomotive activity by using a special tube system driven by water
Presence of hard calcium carbonate (CaCO3) structures that form bones and skeleton system
Found in marine habitat

Examples of organisms belonging to this phylum – Starfish and Sea Urchins

Phylum – Protochordata

Bilaterally symmetrical
Presence of coelom body cavity
Presence of advanced body design, called notochord during some stages of growth. A notochord is a rod-like structure running on the ventral side of the body, supporting the back of an animal and separating the nervous tissue from the gut
Marine habitat

Examples of organisms belonging to this phylum – are Amphioxus, Herdemania, Balanoglossus

Phyla of Animalia Kingdom Homework Help