

Kingdoms of Classification Homework Help

Here we will learn more about kingdoms of classification homework help

Group 3 – Fungi
Cell walls made up of a complex protein called chitin

Eukaryotic cells – either unicellular or multicellular

Mode of nutrition – heterotrophic – may depend on dead and decaying matter and hence are called saprophytes

Some fungi live in a symbiotic relationship with other fungi, algae, and plants. Example lichens

Examples of organisms belonging to this group – yeasts and mushrooms

(Figure 1)

Group 4 – Plantae

Eukaryotes with thick cell walls


Mode of nutrition – autotrophic

Examples of organisms belonging to this group – all plants

Group 5 – Animalia

Eukaryotes without cell walls


Mode of nutrition – Heterotrophic

Examples of organisms belonging to this group – all animals

Five kingdom classification

Classification of the Plantae kingdom

A criterion for classification of the plant kingdom:

1. Does the plant body have well-differentiated and distinct components?

2. Does the differentiated plant have special tissues for the transportation of water and minerals?

3. Does the plant have the ability to bear seeds and whether seeds are enclosed within the fruit?

Based on these criteria, the plants belonging to the Plantae kingdom are classified into various classes.

Class 1 – Thallophyta

Lack of well-differentiated body components

Mostly live in an aquatic environment

Plants belonging to this group are called algae

Class 2 – Bryophyta

Plant body differentiated into stem- and leaf-like structure

Amphibians – live on both land and water

Lack of specialized tissue for transportation of water and minerals

Plants belonging to this class are moss and Marchantia

Class 3 – Pteridophyta

The plant body is well-differentiated into the root, stems, and leaves

Presence of specialized tissue for transport and conduction of water and other substances

Plants belonging to this class are ferns and horsetails

Common characteristic features of class 1, 2

They have naked embryos called spores

They have undifferentiated and hidden reproductive organs and hence are collectively called as cryptograms.

Kingdoms of Classification Homework Help