

Aquatic Habitats Biology Homework Help

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What Do You Understand About Aquatic Habitats?


Seas and oceans:

One can observe plants such as phytoplankton, and plankton present in the sea. These plants are adapted in such a way that they use dissolved carbon dioxide for the preparation of their food. Sea animals like Fish, octopuses, and seahorses have gills to respire the dissolved oxygen. All sea animals have streamlined bodies that enable them to swim with ease in the sea.

Animals like octopuses and squids with multiple arms usually live deep in the sea and get hold of prey nearby them. Some sea animals like jellyfish attract their prey with their luminescence. Some fishes like dolphins and whales breathe the atmospheric air through their nostrils enabling them to come to the surface of the sea from time to time.


Ponds and lakes: 

Plants found in plants and lakes are generally small in size and have small roots as well. These roots serve the purpose of anchoring the plant to the ground. The stems of these plants are tall, and light and usually conduct the transport of water and minerals to leaves. Some plants are found to be submerged wholly in water.

A characteristic feature of these plants is that they have hollow leaves through which water flows with ease. Animals found in ponds and lakes are fishes and frogs. It is interesting to learn that frogs can live in water as well as on land. Such animals are called amphibians. Frogs have strong hind legs to hop on the land and webbed forefeet to swim in the water.



Thus it is interesting to learn the biodiversity in both plants and animals based on their habitats and adaptations. There are other numerous plants and animals which co-exist with the animals discussed here in their habitats.